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شركة تنمية أسماك عمان ش.م.ع.م

اكتشف المزيد حول ما يجعلنا روادًا في مجال الابتكار في قطاع تربية الأحياء المائية ومصائد الأسماك المستدامة في سلطنة عمان، ولماذا نفعل ما نقوم به، ومن يقف وراء العمل الفريد الذي نقوم به. أو، إذا كنت تفضل ذلك، اتصل بنا وسنخبرك بأنفسنا.



تأسست شركة تنمية أسماك عمان من قبل الحكومة للمساهمة في الاقتصاد العماني من خلال الاستثمار في الفرص المحلية والدولية التي تستهدف تحقيق قطاع سمكي مستدام ومربح على مستوى عالمي من خلال الاستفادة من الميزة التنافسية لسلطنة عمان للتنافس في السوق العالمي.

تأسست شركة تنمية أسماك عمان من قبل الحكومة للمساهمة في الاقتصاد العماني من خلال الاستثمار في الفرص المحلية والدولية التي تستهدف تحقيق قطاع سمكي مستدام ومربح على مستوى عالمي من خلال الاستفادة من الميزة التنافسية لسلطنة عمان للتنافس في السوق العالمي.

About us


Fisheries Development Oman (“FDO”) Group has amassed recognition as the group specialized in developing aquaculture and sustainable fishing in the Sultanate of Oman, given its role as the pioneer investor in the fishing sector. In an endeavor to achieve its objective, FDO oversees the management of eight companies: International Seafood Company – SIMAK, Oceanic Shrimp Aquaculture Company, Natural Shrimp Company, Oriental Shrimp Aquaculture Company, Blue Waters Company, Oman Pelagic Company, and Marsa Al Duqm Investments.

FDO Group is committed to the rejuvenation of the aquaculture industry in the Sultanate of Oman, it developed large scale projects pertaining to commercial fishing and aquaculture. FDO has successfully cultivated european seabream with a production capacity of up to 5,000 tons annually through the implementation of floating cages and containment system. Furthermore, it further developed shrimp aquaculture projects production capacity, up to ten thousand tons, in Al Sharqiyah South governorate. FDO has also fostered the development of the commercial fishing fleet by implementing effective management and operations of multiple vessels for small and large pelagic.



To invest in the Omani fishery sector and develop it by creating investment opportunities, advancing fisheries, developing the local expertise, and localizing the value chain through SMEs and ICV.



To foster Oman economic growth through developing and investing in local and global opportunities that insures long-term, world-class, sustainable and profitable fisheries and aquaculture sectors.




We care about our environment, team, business partners, and the communities where we operate. We aim to deliver solutions that do more with fewer resources.


We strive to deliver the highest quality and best value in everything we do. We will foster team spirit and continuously look for new opportunities to learn and grow.


We are committed to doing our share, being accountable, and having the courage to innovate and influence.

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